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Automatic Pay Rises For Military Personnel Shelved?

Army Boots

Men and women serving in the Armed Forces in the UK look set to be denied automatic pay rises, a system of incremental pay increases that has long been in operation for military personnel after each year they serve.

The move could well see even more people in active service leave the Forces to look for better-paid engineering jobs and others in the private sector.

George Osborne and the Treasury will soon force the Ministry of Defence to make efficiency savings to the tune of £1.5 billion, according to the Daily Telegraph... a move that has now led to arguments between military chiefs and the government.

"Unless the government realises that service personnel are different to other public sector workers then they are not going to get the necessary numbers and quality of people to join our Armed Forces," Rear Admiral Chris Parry, co-founder of pressure group Votes in Defence, said.

Senior military officers are pushing for the government to reduce expenditure on costly equipment, like the F35B Joint Strike Fighter aircraft that are being purchased for two new aircraft carriers, as well as the 13 Type 26 frigates which will cost £12 billion.

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Published: 8 days ago
Published: 21 days ago


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