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81% Of UK Employees Confident About Job Availability


The availability of jobs for ex-military personnel could be about to rise, with new research showing UK employees are confident about the country's labour market.

Research from ADP showed 81 per cent of staff stated they are optimistic about the future of work opportunities, a significant rise from the 77 and 64 per cent that said the same in 2014 and 2013 respectively.

The UK also compares well with other European countries, where positive sentiment averages at 77 per cent. Italians showed the least confidence in the availability of jobs, with 61 per cent claiming their future is uncertain.

Brits' optimism is also leading to more people considering switching employers. UK staff are the least loyal to their organisation of any other European nation, as 47 per cent claimed they are looking to change roles within the next three years.

The figures show 17 per cent of people in Britain want to stay at their current employer for their entire career, compared with 40 per cent of Germans. This could provide opportunities for ex-serviceman, with companies keen to fill skills gaps in their company as key employees move to different firms.

Senior vice-president of Europe, Middle East and Africa operations at ADP Leon Vergnes said employers may need to think outside the box to ensure they maintain a workforce of talented individuals.

"Employing people from diverse backgrounds and encouraging international movement of talent are crucial factors for gearing companies toward global competitiveness," he explained.

His comments followed the recent release of Recruitment and Employment Confederation figures that revealed 94 per cent of businesses in the UK are operating with limited capacity due to skills shortages. 

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Published: 8 days ago
Published: 21 days ago


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