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3 Tips For Ex Veterans Writing CVs

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Entering the civilian employment environment can be a challenge for ex-military personnel. The process of applying for veteran jobs is often particularly difficult.

Writing a good CV is the cornerstone of getting your foot in the door for a job interview, so here are some quick tips on how to spruce up yours.

1. Keep it short and simple

Veterans with an extensive military career may have achieved a number of different ranks, travelled the world and learned many useful skills.  

However, CVs should never usually be more than two sides of A4 paper, so you'll need to condense this experience as much as possible. Use bullet points, shorten rank descriptions and emphasise problem-solving abilities.

2. Remove military jargon

The military isn't much different from the civilian world when it comes to the amount of acronyms and industry terms organisations use. Unfortunately, many hiring managers at businesses won't recognise Armed Forces terminology.

Where possible, explain any military jargon and generalise skills, training and qualifications in a way that organisations can understand.

3. Tailor your CV to each role

Career progression in the military is often very linear, so Armed Forces personnel tend to apply for similar roles that would require little tailoring between applications. Businesses are very different, with people moving up, sideways and even down to find the right career path for them.

Amending your CV to specifically address the unique requirements of each role is key to civilian job applications, with most people using a cover letter to provide any additional information that may boost their employment chances. 

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Published: 8 days ago
Published: 21 days ago


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