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3.2m UK Couples Rely On Two Incomes

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Once you’re in the market for ex military jobs, we understand that you’re likely to be hoping to find a new job in engineering as soon as possible. The cost of living is ever increasing and according to new statistics released by insurer LV=, who also provide income protection cover, more than 3.2 million couples are dependent on both salaries simply to make ends meet.

Almost 50 per cent of couples are dependent on both salaries contributing to meet their needs, and an almost equal amount said they’d prefer it if one of the partnership was able to ‘keep house’, having their salary cover all of their monthly expenses.

For these couples, it provides a safety net in case one member of the partnership falls ill or is unable to work, but the difference between many who consider themselves ‘dependent’ is to what upkeep this constitutes.

For many, it means as to literally keep a roof over their heads, while some admitted they would have to make lifestyle changes in order to survive on one salary, such as cancelling holiday plans and gym memberships.

With salaries from between £25,000 to £50,000 for mid-level engineer jobs according to prospects, ex-military personnel in the field of engineering should be in a great position after leaving the Royal Engineers, however LV= does put across the case for income protection insurance for most couples.

This may be particularly relevant to ex servicemen who have sustained chronic injuries or mental health issues that may affect their ability to work further down the line, protecting their income if anything should arise. 

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Published: 11 days ago


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