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Interview Skills: The Two Minute ‘Elevator Pitch’

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If you are looking for ex-army jobs then make sure you have your elevator pitch sorted out before you go into an interview.

An elevator pitch is a two minute talk about who you are and why a company should hire you. You may not need to use it directly in an interview, but will if you are asked certain dreaded interview questions such as ‘why do we think we should hire you’ or ‘what do you have to offer this organisation’?

These questions are designed to floor you as they require thinking on your feet, or showing high levels of confidence in what you can do and what you have to offer them. With an elevator pitch you will be ready and prepared to impress them.

When building your elevator pitch make sure you include the following:

Information on your career so far or your ‘hard skills’, and link these to the so-called ‘soft skills’ this has left you with. For example, did your time in army give you a lot of experience in team management? If so mention it.

Your profession. This may not necessarily match up identically with the job you are going for, but don’t apologise. Be very clear on your background and the work you have done before. They may be looking for elaboration on it.

Your expertise. Don’t be shy about your expertise, be clear on what you have expert knowledge on, how you acquired it and how you could use it in the future.

Types of organisation you have worked for. This may just be the army, but of course may include previous work too. Make sure you list all of them.

Special strengths. Did you get any commendation for any particular work, or do you have any awards or professional certification. Make time to talk about these to set you apart from the crowd.  

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Published: 8 days ago
Published: 21 days ago


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