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Applying For A Veterans Badge


People looking for jobs for ex military personnel at the moment may want to do some research into applying for a medal or a veterans badge if they have served in the armed forces in the UK and believe they’re eligible for one.

You can apply for a medal if you were awarded for service in the army, the Royal Navy, Marines, the RAF, the Home Guard or the reserve forces but haven’t claimed it yet. If you’re the legal next of kin of a deceased veteran, you can also apply. However, you can't claim medals that were awarded for service either before or during the first world war.

All you need to do is fill in the medal application form, including a copy of a death certificate or the lasting power of attorney if applying for someone else. You should receive your medal within 12 weeks of sending the form in. You can also apply for a replacement if the original was accidentally destroyed or stolen.

Armed forces veterans badges are available to all those who have served in the army, navy, marines, RAF or the volunteer or regular reserves. However, you are unable to do so if you’ve served in the forces for another country or served alongside the UK armed forces such as in the Royal Australian Air Force.

You are only able to apply on behalf of a deceased veteran if you receive compensation under the Survivors Guaranteed Income Payment or a War Widow or Widower’s pension. It should take between six and eight weeks for your badge to arrive.

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Published: 11 days ago


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