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Armed Forces Day flag took an exhilarating journey by air, water and land across Guildford


The Armed Forces Day flag took an exhilarating journey by air, water and land across Guildford to mark the start of Armed Forces Week. All three forces - The Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force were involved.

Its journey started at Stoke Park this morning when the RAF delivered it in a Chinook helicopter where it will be met by local schoolchildren and Cadets.

Two Army Foxhound armoured vehicles and quad bikes manoeuvred to the back of the aircraft for the handover of the flag. The flag travelled from Stoke Park to Dapdune Wharf where it was passed to the Royal Navy.

The Royal Navy took the flag along the River Wey in rigid inflatable boats to Town Wharf in the centre of Guildford and handed it to three highly decorated service representatives: Corporal Gareth Thomas MC of the Royal Marines, Lance Sergeant Johnson Beharry VC and Flight Lieutenant Ed Berwick AFC of the Royal Air Force .

The procession party moved up the High Street to the Guildhall, and the flag was passed to the Mayor of Guildford. Its journey complete, the Mayor officially welcomed the flag from the balcony and it was raised to a fanfare by the Royal Marines.

Cllr Matt Furniss, Lead Councillor for Armed Forces Day, added: “We are all very excited as the Armed Forces Day National Event draws ever closer. It is going to be an action packed exciting day with something for everyone and the flag raising is just the start.”

"In delivering the Armed Forces Day flag to Guildford in such an exciting and dynamic way that highlights some of the capabilities of the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force, it sets the scene for what will be a stunning day of celebration of our Armed Forces." said Colonel Charlie Lambert on behalf of the Armed Forces Day Military Planning Group.

The Armed Forces Day National Event takes place in Guildford on Saturday 27 June, with a fantastic show of military displays and live music and entertainment. The Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force have pulled out all the stops to ensure it will be a day to remember.

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Published: 11 days ago


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